Continual Improvement Techniques
Excellence is a journey that never ends. It is not a one-time effort, but has to become a part of daily management. Therefore, top management commitment and visible involvement is a must. Any company/organization can undertake this journey as long as there is a desire and determination to improve.
Business today is about change. We live in rapidly changing environment where everything is dynamic and change is the only constant. New technologies becomes obsolete in days, new business trends emerge every day, the uncertainty regarding the future push organizations for adopting continual improvement methodologies and techniques.
Course Overview
Improvement has to happen on the fly in our rapidly changing world.
This program is about using the available resources to drive continual improvement which is considered the main pillar for business excellence.
In the hectic, interrupt-driven environment of many organizations, it is become crucial to working with business processes, critical thinking, innovation, customer focus, quality, and performance measurements for the sake of business excellence.
This program made a significant contribution to many business achievements and the organization’s ability to sustain and build upon these achievements. The program designed to equip you with the proven tools, techniques and methodologies to improve results of all business processes
Program synthesizes all the elements required to achieve business excellence and feature real-world field experience and exercises that involve developing innovations to enhance the knowledge and skills of participants.
Learn from world class consultants and trainers how to live continual improvement and how to reap real gains out of its deployment.
If you are looking for proven approaches to integrating continual improvement techniques into daily work, this is your program. It is designed for those who have to “get it done,” not just talk about it. So roll up your sleeves and dig in.
Course Objectives
- Provides the broad framework essential for continuity and sustaining of business excellence efforts and results.
- How to create a living road map for continual improvement that is linked to the business strategy.
- Understand the strategic aspects of continual improvement and the role of the leadership.
- By employing continual improvement techniques, a company will achieve cost savings, higher quality, faster operations, competitive edge, efficient and effective processes leading to higher profit margin and happier customers.
- Analyze and synthesize complex data to generate best solutions that prevents recurrence of problems, defects or errors.
- Eliminating functional silos within a traditional functional management and stress the culture of data-driven decision making
- To prepare participants to become effective change agents, team players and team leaders into their organizations and into continual improvement projects.
Course Outline
1. Introduction
- Quality Management Functions
- What Is Continual Improvement?
- Organizational Change And Human Psychology
- Incremental Versus Breakthrough Improvement
- Management By Fact
- Teamwork Dynamics
2. Problem Solving Approach
3. Identify Critical Process Metrics
4. Continuous Improvement
- Brainstorming
- Affinity Diagram
- Cost of Quality
- Internal Audit
5. Process Improvement Techniques
- Ask 5 Whys
- Kaizen Blitz
- Five Cs
- Lean Six Sigma
- Theory of Constraints
- Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
- Deming Continuous Improvement Cycle (PDCA)
- Practical Japanese Quality Improvement Methodology
- Failure Modes And Effects Analysis (FMEA)
6. Quality Improvement Tools
- Data Collection-Check Sheets
- Flowchart
- Ishikawa Diagram
- Pareto Diagram
- Scatter Diagram
- Histogram
- Statistical Process Control Charts
7. Continual Improvement Incentives and Objectives
8. Project/Case Study Discussion
Who Should Attend?
This course is designed to match candidates working into any function across the organization with any educational background, little or no practical experience and they want to be effective change agents into their organizations and leaders in quality improvement.
Candidates may be from any type of industry or service organization or fresh graduates or students.
Course Duration
45 hours.
More Information
If you need more information,
contact us at:
Or: 01271242202